Moammar asked his grand Lolo. "Lolo Ampong what will I do now? please tell me. You told me before there are still two gates open to me. One reads 50 years in prison and the other reads abandon all hope as you enter. Can you tell me if there are still other gates open to me." Ok son listen to me,Lolo answered softly.
If you are still logged on until this time Click sign out and sleep peacefully. "Lolo I'm staying inside my bunker and its 50 feet underground and there is no internet signal ya know. "Moammar quickly replied. "Ok son in a few minutes I'll visit you in your bunker." Lolo answered in a a very low and soft voice."
" Noooooooooooo... please... you know I'm scared of ghosts". Moammar shouted back to kingdom come.