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Sunday, July 17, 2011

5-year old boy fights dengue, mosquitoes like a superhero

     An hour ago today July 17 our village messenger distributed leaflets to every house in our barangay.  Dengue Health Advisory says the head.  The advise of our chairman is to use the 4S against  the deadly mosquitoes that bring the feared dengue fever.
His 4S: search and destroy
             self protection
             seek early consultation
              say no to indiscriminate fogging
      This advisory reminded me of the 5-year old boy,  maybe in his kinder grade, who few days ago told his father, our neighbor.  "Dad now I know how to fight mosquitoes that cause dengue fever." The boy, vibrantly told his dad.  "Really, did your teacher teach you that in school?" asked the father.  "Nop. it is only my own". replied the little kid.  "Ok, how do you implement your new dicovery?"   "Yes all I need is a scissors on hand and I will catch the deadly mosquitoes alive.  Then next, I will cut some of their legs and let them fly away and when they get back home they will tell all their friends not come near me because I will surely cut their legs, end of story.  The story of the little boy sure do not have shock value but I took it with an open mind.  The imaginations of the young boy was so vast and wide that it encompassed all of us in the village if not all of us humans. That his idea was not limitted only to himself and his dad but his concern in the fight against the enemy of mankind.  Unlike the knowledge of our village chairman which maybe is limitted to his 4S or of what he knows at the moment.
    Ok let us forget about the boy and talk about the seven bishops who in concert said, mea culpa mea culpa.

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