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Sunday, February 5, 2012

The subscriber cannot be rich, the master of deceit

     Last week we were entangled in a traffic snarl in Alabang.  Our car conked out because of a dead battery.  The traffic enforcer came and asked for the license of my wife, as they pushed  the car to the side of the street.  We called up by phone the battery distributor referred to us by a friend.  But the other party said "the subscriber cannot be reached". We repeated the call  many times with the same answer.  For about an hour of waiting - with a pen and a paper on hand I scribbled  some notes on the answer "the subscriber cannot be rich".

     Yes, indeed the subscriber cannot be rich because the other party is already super-rich.  In a free market economy, particularly the telecom industry, one has to be a master of deceit to get rich.  Honest to goodness service is a farce, that double deal is the art of the other party, that they get richer by the billions each day.  The subscribers have also to learn the art of making some bluffs and nasty tricks in order to survive.

     Thank God the traffic enforcer came back with the man who claimed to be the emergency assistant of the battery dealer nearby.  After about half an hour  the car was ready.  I got down from the car to give thanks to the traffic enforcer  and upon seeing my disability he returned the driver's license of my wife.  Thank you Sir, may your tribe becomes many.

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