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Friday, February 17, 2012

The impeachment trial, no other news worth talking about this days

   Many are already tired and weary of the trial.  Even TV and radio networks are, since their incomes and ratings have gone down because of the special coverage.
   In one of my previous posts I asked about what grades did Noynoy got from his former professor Gloria Arroyo at the Ateneo University.  Some pundits say, that is now a tightly guarded secret.  Since nobody seemed interested anyway the grades issue remains a tightly guarded secret.  But now that Corona, the underdog in the court fight is beginning to bark and seemingly preparing to bite, a bite that may really hurt the top dog.

   Corona hurled a challenge to Noynoy by asking Noynoy to reveal his psychological records, that is also a tightly guarded secret for long.  The two other issues that Corona also asked Noynoy to reveal are of lesser importance because everyone knows that no public or government official, in his right mind, would ever reveal his true statement of assets liabilities and networth, neither his bank accounts.

    No relevance your honor?

   Most people consider one's academic performance in college to have valuable  relations to one's psychological state of mind.

    "Then produce it, so ordered." joked my favorite neighbor.

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