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Friday, December 16, 2011

Strike while the iron is hot

      Pardon my use of the over-used expression.
   One need no high education to understand why  
president Aquino wanted fast justice against Gloria Arroyo and Chief Justice Corona.  Noynoy's popularity ratings are highest  at this point in time. That an attempt  to slowdown  might affect the ratings - to fall.   How long this popularity ratings will hold   is like asking how long can the hot iron stay hot the moment it is remove from the fire.  As the once baseball superstar, Yogi Berra said, "Anyone popular is bound to be disliked."  As more and more people are now bearing the brunt of being poor and hungry  and more groups of militant farmers and urban workers now see that the 'daang matuwid'  could just be a one-man dream and may remain just a dream.  And when doubts begin to set in you can feel the floor under you feet begins to shake.  And shake indeed like a temblor.  As what is happening now in the three branches of government.
   Is it not that when two objects with equal force and strength bump one another the impact will produce nothing but heat and the heat if gone to the extreme can cause one or both objects to explode and self-destroy?
    Confused?  Relax and make your day a little easier.   

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