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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

More on the bout between Noynoy and Corona

     One need not be a practicing sportsman to know who is the llamado or more winnable between the protagonists, even if one does not sit on the ringside .
     First Noynoy still enjoys a substantially high rating as far as   his performance is concerned
     Second Noynoy and his Liberal Party have the majority in Congress.
     Third Noynoy has the police and the military under his command.

      Corona is for sure the underdog because aside from the fact that he is physically weaker because of his age,and when he speaks his words are few.  Practically he has nothing to protect him but his law books and his pen.
     But sometimes many Filipinos love underdogs, they give them cheers and inspirations to embolden their hearts and spirits to hope for the best.  That at the end of the day many people will not be surprised if Corona wins.

    Let us be reminded that the heavens have its grand plan  a game plan that in any rivalry or contest one will win and the other to lose.  Our only consolation and concern is was the game's rule played fairly?


  1. Justice and fairness always go together.

  2. The world often loves underdogs, but not in the case of Corona. He was an opportunist. The current crisis is not legal in nature. It is moral. We don't have a constitutional crisis, we have a moral crisis that has been weighing us down for a long time. The Supreme Court justices can tender their resignations so the Bar Council can replace one at a time. That will be a good start to solve our moral crisis.
