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Thursday, December 8, 2011

The line between truth and lie is so thin and hard to draw

      Yesterday another Pinoy was hanged in China because of drug trafficking. Though the event did not create enough clatter or outcry from the local citizens, except from the family,relatives and friends of the victim, nevertheless, not few among the peace-loving citizens voiced much concern.
As expected members of President Aquino's official family were  or are trying hard to look busy in finding the truth about the brutal event.

     Finding the truth-
   Finding the truth are the darling words of double-tongued politicos who make promises to the people during their campaigns to help in finding the truth on corruptions an jail suspects if found.  As the wise and old neighbor of mine said, "I have yet to see a politician who found the truth or if any one did find nobody had or would believe him."So let the people beware.

     Thin Line-
   Some wise people say the boundary line between the truth and the lie is so thin that whenever you step on such line you yourself cannot identify which side you are on.  Thus making it almost impossible to know if you are on the wrong side or on the right side.  A case or kind of Believe it or not?
 If so, what about the case of Gloria Arroyo? Which side is she?  Or which side is Noynoy and Corona?  One time a Great Man said,"I am the way the truth and the life."
    The Constitution created the Supreme Court, the highest court in the land.  Though the fifteen persons who composed it are not infallible they are there to render the final say on the above questions.  And their final judgement is only appealable to the Man who said, "
I am the way the truth and the life."   


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