Last night before I went to bed I prayed that we might have a peaceful sleep the night ahead of us. By midnight I was awakened by a ferocious fight that I thought was the NATO bombardment on our roof-top.
Two felines my young all-white male cat versus a neighbor's all-black male beast, obviously fighting as to who own the only all-white female in the neighborhood. By morning I saw my pet cat sleeping on the plastic chair in our porch with blood on its face and foot. As I was about to sit on the next chair I saw one of my six love-birds out from the bird-house on the floor just looking around. When I tried to pat my pet cat on its back it saw my precious little creature on the floor and with a quick jump in a split second the little bird was already in its mouth. But with almost equally quick strike with a dust pan on my hand, the little bird was saved but with broken wings.
So what? a tempest on a teapot? Maybe but all these happened in the World of my lowly domestic animals. So I may still consider it a world event. If just to get out for a while of the more serious political events happening in my country, the arrest of Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, we watch on this first day of advent.
First day of advent message: watch