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Monday, August 15, 2011

Chemotherapy another deadly money-making hoax?

Some days ago I was writing about cancer and chemotherapy as I am a cancer victim.  In the materials I was reading some hours earlier, I found out that in a survey conducted recently by a reputable group among expert medical doctors  particularly about cancer and chemotherapy, if chemo is really the one to cure cancer.  Of the 60 respondents from different reputable hospitals in the USA and Europe, of whom the same questions were asked, "Doctor, if by any chance, God forebid you get cancer or that of any member of your family, are you willing to undergo this treatment or prescribe the same to your loved ones?"  Of the 60 doctors asked 58 answered no.  So by this recent findings, is chemotherapy the real cure for cancer or is this another deadly money-making hoax?  Don't worry I stand corrected if proven wrong.

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