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Sunday, March 11, 2012

Obsessive compulsive entanglement, What is this?

       Since day one in his job he had been confronted with fondness to walk straight on a  road so circuitous and deviating, uphill, downhill, a road so messy and full of crooked and dirty faces. Whence he could not attend to his personal needs, like finding a wife.  His mind and body, so overwhelmed with compelling motives to clean all paths that all workers may walk on a straight line 'daang matuwid'.  Never mind if his cleaning drive may trespass and encroach the house of a neighbor friend, thereby creating a pandemonium never before experienced by neighbors.
     A neighbor's refusal to vacate his house for much needed cleaning rounds created for him an insurmountable blockade to fulfill a campaign promise of total cleanness.  Thus his excessive entanglement with unnecessary undertakings that could even lead to self-destruction.

     What is this?  So many adjectives and modifiers simply to describe a mentally ill person?    Abnoy in our local lingo.
     Pardon the pun.

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