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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Geriatric Senior citizen? what is this?

       How I wish I also have a baby to show on facebook.  Yet, me a disabled geriatric senior citizen does not make babies anymore.  Anyway, there are thousands and thousands of babies including my grandchildren already posted on fb.  Babies are beautiful, enchanting and make mothers feeling pretty nice and full of joy.  That all babies are pretty and cute are beyond arguments.

      What I will show you today is a canine geriatric senior citizen.   This is my dog.  So  is her name, short for 'Aso' in our local lingo.   I got her from my doctor friend, Ronald 13 years ago when she was only a three-month-old cute puppy. From that time on, my foods are also her food No dog food to minimize expense.  I bath her at least once a week.  Mind you, I do not use dog soap nor special soap, but our ordinary laundry soap.  And if ever I could find two or three fleas or ticks I put a very little amount of sonrox mixed with water on such portion.   So is very clean despite her age at 13.

       You might ask why is my dog a geriatric senior citizen?
      Canines, any breed for that matter also have standard lifespan, though they vary depending on the environment.  As man's lifespan is at 70 but some go up to 100.  Dogs, specially the smaller one's, like So, lived up to 13 to 14 years. But some say my dog died at 15.  Ok.  So at 13 is the equivalent of a 70-year-old geriatric senior citizen.
      Big dogs, like great danes or the deerhounds are already old at 6 up to eight years because of their weights.

     Anyway my dog, So is very loyal to her master as she had demonstrated to me the last 13 years.
    A kind of loyalty that can surpass the kind the Chief justice had shown to the institution he served.

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