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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Inglorious glory to glorify self by the sins of others

    What an inglorious glory to glorify one-self by the past mistakes and sins of others- specially when that others are your  former co-workers and buddies.  This one man now sees the best things that ever happened to him- fame and glory. As in the song?   This glorified man thinks he is now at the top of the hierarchal totempole, that he can do whatever he wishes.  He is glorified by his people as evidenced by his high performance and popularity ratings.  That at one time his loyal supporters gave him thanks and praise when he fulfilled a promised, that is to put Gloria in prison in 60 days and that was then before Christmas, 2011.  Never mind the rules, if it can be done, do it!  He put up his own rules."Basta" he said.

     In school we learned basic military discipline,"Obey first before you complain"  Mind you this man may not have achieved high military training.  Not higher than college ROTC?   Yet he is commander-in-chief of his country's Armed Forces.
      Once our ROTC instructor in college said in a loud   voice  commanding us to repeat five times,"A little learning is a dangerous thing".  Will this old adage apply in the present situation?

"BASTA" staying on top.

      Staying on top is a lonely place to be.  But he is no stranger to loneliness.  He is a bachelor,  no wife no kids to take care but surrounded by his artillery, cars  and modern and high-tech gadgets and that his sisters take good care of him.
       Yet as we dare think of his position, being on top is ecstatic, you can feel extreme joy and pleasure. But there is no place to go.  No one stays on top forever, but God.  

 Coming down is sad.

       Somehow he has to come down.  On the journey down is sad.   You will see people watching your footsteps.  People whom you have stepped on and hurt during you climb.  And there are many of them on the ground waiting  who may still have the strength and courage to pinch your ears not only once but ...etc.   This man's only saving grace as he said,"God is in my side. And I will cross the bridge when I get there."   Oh what a courageous f...?  No wonder the new slogan "Its more fun in the Philippines" because you can see many fools fooling around. bye.       

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