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Monday, October 17, 2011

It is hard to find people worth dying for

     Today, let us forget even for just one post the enjoyment and fun of previous tittle-tattle and be serious in giving prayers and honor in this time of mourning the death of Fr. Fausto Tentorio who was killed yesterday. Oct. 17, 2011.
     Someone said, It is easier to find men willing to die than men willing to suffer.  Fr. Fausto Tentorio is the third Italian (PIME) priest to die in Mindanao.  He had worked as a Christian missionary for over 30 years in the area with Muslims,Christians,Bila-ans, Manobo's and particularly the Lumads.
    Lumads are the only minority who are neither Christians nor Muslims in Mindanao.  These group belonged to the original settlers in the island since time past, who had resisted Christianity and Islam. The Lumads were later driven up the mountains by newer settlers from the Visayas and Luzon particularly those who came to search and explore lands and other natural resource to exploit.  Fr. Pops as the late missionary was popularly known was responsible for the organization and development of small communities, preserve and support the growth of these communities, in areas of education and social awareness.  Though he was a Catholic priest his priorities were not to convert the Lumads but support, help, develop and perhaps teach Christianity later.
     Corporate Greed
     When big local and foreign companies came to Cotabato to exploit more mining areas the local peace situation was  never the same again.  The local residents became restless and furious that every now and then violence flared up.  Fr. Pops was counted by business and even the military as among the most active militants who stood up to protect the interests of the local residents, particularly the minorities. He was anti-mining advocate and therefore hot target of giant mining interests.
     Anyway, Fr. Pops had done great in Mindanao.  He found his people, the communities he organised and developed are worth dying for.  When he will finally face his God he can proudly tell Him,  My Lord and my God,  I have this day given up all my strengths and talents to your people that now all I have is You. Amen.

1 comment:

  1. Where is the Philippes going after this brutal murder of the man of God?
