Lolong, the largest ever crocodile captured alive in the world at 6.4 meters and of all places in the Philippines, where the purportedly violent reptiles are rare. Lolong is now held at a detention center not far from his home, slated to become a tourist attraction in Bunauan, Agusan in Mindanao.
It was believed hundred years ago that when crocodiles devoured their prey they shed tears. As to whether they where emotional tears it was not clear. But Lolong did not shed any as if to proved he did not devoured children as he is now accused. Sure he has tear glands but only to wet his eyes so it won't dry and blurred his vision.
Male crocs could not run fast on land because their sex organ hurt when dragged on land and his hunger is overcomed by the pain. So he could not have eaten children on land where children play. He could only ran fast in water His mate might have eaten one or two he seemed to suggest.
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