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Sunday, September 18, 2011

The complacent sleep of an idiot

     Those who might have read my blogs and those, who by any chance read them, many of you might say  these are heaps of dung, products of the untalented mind.
     Wait Sir, my mind may not be as talented as Noynoy Aquino,  when I write I am always reminded by
Lao Tzi, the great Chinese guru whose thoughts most of the time serve as my guide.  I write from my mind where words come and these words get into action and these actions become habit and this habit becomes my character and my character becomes my destiny.  Anyway, where really am I destined?  To the waste can, to the future or the past?
    Look, some of you might say.  This man is really like the one I know, the inveterate drunkard - an idiot.
Talking about idiot, one day I was seated on my armed chair in front of the computer when I took a short nap, without me knowing my wife took a shot using her cell phone and oh my dear readers, we had a good and loud laugh.  The picture with mouth wide open really looked like the man comfortably refreshing the complacent sleep of an idiot!   

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