As many countries in the world today are in the cool and shivering doubts about the true state of America's economy, because of its near - default on its debts. Not few are asking, is the US of A, the only remaining world power today in the decline? If so will there be another super power coming up? There are as many questions asked as there are interests. But they are currently being dicussed and deeply looked into. And every one is anxiously waiting to know and hope for a clearer answer.
Anyway, let us leave it to the super experts and perhaps rely on the results of their analysis and careful study.
In the last few days I posted on my Facebook (fb) account what for me was very important message to Christians and the catholic church around the world. I used fb because o claims that there are about 700 million subscribers around the globe. My post was about an on-going art exhibits at the Cultural Center of the Philippines. When I heard the report an verified it to be true I immediately wrote the text and posted it. My post was all about the venerated crucifix of the Lord Jesus Christ being mounted and attached to it a ' wooden pennis'. 'Oh what the hell are they doing!' I said to myself. I could not take it just sitting down not lifting a finger. The exhibitors, led by a certain Mideo Cruz, a student at the UST labeled his work as art. ' I said it sure is art
arthritis of the brain. After my posting I was hoping that some of the 700 million fb enthusiasts out there many of them christian catholics may by any chance read my post and and send the same expounded message on their own fb account to inform and arouse if not provoke the sensibilities of all christian catholics in the world particularly in the Philippines touted to be the only christian country in the far east, to the blasphemy and desecration of the faith by the the exhibitors. But I was disappointed not one cared to read my post. So some questions are worth asking. Is fb a really relevant an potent message carrier? Or was my choice of f b not correct? As some reports had came up lately, fb subscribers had significantly gone down by about 46 per cent in America. As some fb quitters/deserters said it is not worth my time. After scrolling up or down on some friends an relatives about fifty or a hundred of them all I could see are birthday greetings, congrats on having new partner while others are telling every one how she so love her husband or his wife including mothers showing and telling the world how cute their babies are maybe not knowing that all mothers knew babies are cute. Yes of the 700 million subscribers not one cared to see my post. Is it because fb is now ineffective if not irrelivant or is it the crucifix of the Lord Jesus Christ had likwise become irrilevant?
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