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Thursday, July 28, 2011

Cancer detecting that may lead to the horrifying chemo

 When I got out of the clinic of Dr. Bilar that day in 2008, where I was  advised to undergo chemotherapy because of my advaced prostate cancer "Gleason 7" as he told me of the biopsy results.  I was totally full of doubt, confused, to go or not to go.  When I said thanks my health card had expired that year, It was truly that expired health card tha save me from chemotherapy. What happened then? My first step, I intensified my search and research from friends and relaives all over and from the internet  the cheapest I could think of.   Two years later I read it in the web,  Dr Richard ZAblin the discoverer of the Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) 40 years ago,  said that PSA testing has become a money-making scam.   Dr. Ablin spoke against his PSA screening discovery in a study conducted in 2008.  PSA screening cannot detect cancer, he said it can only diagnose how much prostate antigen men have in their blood.  The study further revealed that there are three factors that can elevate PSA 1. infection 2. over the counter drugs 3. benign swelling of the prostate.
  Another findings was that of Dr Otis Bramley, chief medical officer of the Cancer Society who said that PSA testing does not work.  Another study published by the British Medical Journal in 2010 also testified that PSA screening is not reliable to detect cancer. The study was headed Jenifer Stark a research fellow at the Harvard School  of Public Health.  The study further revealed that PSA screening is doing more harm than good considering the negative impact to the patient (like me), the psychological effect of stress and anxiety brought by the thought of financial ruin and finally the possibility of incorrect reading that could result to unnecessary biopsy.  Dr. Ablin ended his talk by saying, I never dreamed my discovery 40 years ago would lead to the scam- disaster.

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