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Monday, February 7, 2011

seniors etc bla bla

My 2010 Korea visit

Still fresh in our memory: While the Philippines was so busy defending itself after the worldwide embarassement of the outcome of the hostage crisis at the Luneta grandstand where eight Honkong nationals were killed by the hostage taker in the presence of a good number of police authorities and high goverment officials, Korea added another feather to its cap at the Internation center stage when Korean soldiers successfully rescued alive 21 hostages and even killed 13 hostage takers and captured five alive when its ship was siezed and the crews taken hostage by Somali pirates near the Gulf of Aden.

While I could not see in Korea traffic enforcers or policemen in their roads and highways nor did I see security guards in public and private establishments, the Philippine National Police is currently recommending around 120,000 security guards in the country to be visible in all strategic areas to augment police visibility.

While Philippine authorities are fully occupied in the investgation of the seemingly never-ending tale of corruption in the military and the government as a whole, Korea is also fully occupied in putting up companies and business branches in other countries,like Asia, United States and Europe even employing locals in the host countries. Mel#etc bla bla

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